Monday, August 28, 2006

Pick 'em league still open (One week left)

[EDIT: the league is split right down the line with 50% men and 50% women as of right now. no doubt there will be alot of shit-talking when the season starts in a couple of weeks. get in where you fit in!]

this is the league for all the prognosticators out there. if you don't like the committment of the fantasy football league but would like to participate in at least predicting who will win and lose the games this season, this is the league for you!

here's the link:

group id: 4171
password: winner

i'll keep the league open until the first game of the season, which occurs in september. good luck!

the fantasy football league is full so we can't take any more participants. however, we've only got four in the pick 'em league so hop to it!