Thursday, November 10, 2005

what is her fucking problem with me???

i have a co-worker who has been trying to get me fired for over a year now. it wouldn't be much of a deal if not for the fact that my boss appears to be siding with her. today i was told that i filled out my timesheet incorrectly. it would appear i was out of the office one more day than i documented.

"according to whom?" i asked.

"Diane has you documented as being out two days last week," he answered matter-of-factly. i just look at him dumbfounded.

"i was out only one day last week," i responded. my head was starting to hurt at this point.

"well, she says you were out on november 1," he countered.

"um," i breathed, trying to calm my anger down as it reached monolithic proportions. "wait here for a second." i walked back to my office and pulled up my email, scrolled to the date in question, then printed out all of the emails i sent that day from my work address. then i walked back to his office. diane was in there talking to him. it appeared they were discussing something, so i walked in and stood right in the middle of the conversation to make sure it wasn't about me, then walked out and back to my office to wait until they were finished. i sat down and racked my brain trying to come up with other proof that i was here that day, but could come up with nothing.

as i walked into his office a couple of minutes later, i handed him the emails.

"all of these emails were sent out from my office on the day in question, including this one email sent to you." i sat down and looked him straight in the eye. he hesitated. i sat back in the chair, crossed my legs, and waited.

he sat there looking from across his desk at me like he didn't know what to say.

i continued waiting silently.

"ahem...," he started. "well, we just want to make sure there aren't any discrepencies like last time."

oh yeah...last time. when, after two weeks of vacation, i returned to the office to find out diane has sent him an email telling him i'm not to be trusted and that she can verify that i'm lying on my timesheets. she then demanded i be fired or she would quit. and all of this went down because one of her friends (another co-worker) was having her hours cut because nobody could find a place for her within their projects. it was at this time when i realized just how nefarious the bitch could be. up until then dan and i had had the perfect supervisor - subordinate relationship: he didn't fuck with me, and i didn't fuck with him. i did my work, and as long as it was done, he let me do my work and treated me like an adult. he never wondered about whether or not i was in the office because whenever he called, i was there. whenever someone needed something, i was there. whenever his supervisor stopped by our area of the building, i was, more times than not, the only mothafucka IN the building. but that's neither here nor there, because the doubt of a jealous bitch has suddenly put all of that into question.

i continue staring at him, waiting for him to continue. i didn't have shit to say and i was't gonna make this any easier on his pussy ass.

"well, just make sure you fill out your timesheet accurately." he looked angry, probably because he knew he was looking like the idiot he is.

"i've been doing just that, dan." the only muscle moving on my body was my mouth. i was tense beyond relief and so fucking pissed i could pee into his mouth. he was silent a moment more as we both stared each other down. then he spoke again.

"also, make sure you come in on time."

oh no the fuck he didn't. i sat up and my face formed a professional frown. you know the look: eybrows scrunched down just a bit, lips pursed ever so slightly, and the perplexed look glazing over the eyes ever so lightly.

"dan, has someone been saying i'm coming in late?" i hated playing this fucking 'who could possibly be telling you this bullshit' game, but i wanted him to tell me if someone was telling him more lies.

"i have diane watching the floor in the morning," he responded, as if that answered my question.

"well, has diane told you i've been late? cuz i haven't been late for MONTHS." i sat back in the chair again, waiting for the punk to speak.

"you're supposed to be in at 7:30 a.m., so if you're here by then, you're on time."

what kind of fucking answer is that? is he speaking some foreign "supervisor language"? do i need to go to the barnes and noble and purchase "double-talk for dumbies'? i decided right then i was never, EVER gonna seek out a management position with this group of spineless bastards.

"dan..." i started off slowly, figuring he must have had a couple of drinks before he came in this morning. i pulled on the question like taffy, giving him a one second pause between each word so he had time to digest the question.

"'" surely this is a yes or no answer, right? evidently not in 'ass-supervisor world'.

"if there was a problem with your tardiness, i would have addressed it with you by now."

so why the fuck did you even need to mention the necessity for me to come in on time? really, if there is no problem with that, why was it even brought up? i just stared at him for another minute, then stood up.

"gotcha." no need to even add to it. i walked back to my office, which meant walking right past diane's office, which just so happens to be between dan's office and mine. no doubt she probably heard at least part of the conversation.

so now i'm sitting here at my desk, wondering, as black tokens everywhere have wondered at one time or another, if it's really worth all of the drama of filing a grievance when the only evidence i've got is a woman who hates me for no reason and a supervisor who doesn't trust me.

martin luther king...if you're still ain't nothing but a mothafuckin dream.