aiight, so here is the list of folk, with links to the post in their blogs. i hope you'll take some time to check out the blogs and drop a comment or two. i'm sure they'll appreciate it. i'll post my answers to the questions sometime before the weekend is out. LOL.
here's brit - and she has NEVER masturbated before! i never thought i'd find someone who hasn't, but that makes her unique...and no doubt horny as hell all the time.
josie's says her list is too soft and bashful, but it's really just honest and that's all we can ask!
t. casanova had sex twice this past week, so it's safe to say that he's making the most of the atlanta women. oh...and the brotha DON'T LIKE TUPAC. ;)
mika, strives to put out a CD of her music in 2006. do you sing or play a musical instrument or both?
shavonne, loves pretty dicks but has a gag reflex problem when it comes to um...swallowing the uh...stuff. kinda like biting into a chocolate cupcake only to realize the creamy center is snot, huh fellas?
insanelysane is hungry for knowledge, and judging from her other blog, that ain't the only thing that got a sista chomping at the bit. you go girl!
neenee's first sexual experience evidently was with the jolly green gentle giant.
because of will, i am now permanently referring to masturbating as 'willing''ll understand what i'm talking about...
honey-libra does not like sticking small dicks in her mouth (who does???)
ladynay kept her answers short and sweet, but i was still able to determine she likes to give oral sex. LOL
and here are the answers folk put here:
first, the questions:
1. are you content with your life?
2. if not, what would make you content?
3. if so, what makes you content with it?
4. what do you like most about yourself?
5. what do you wish you could change about yourself?
6. what irritates you most about other people?
7. what state do you live in? if not in the u.s., where in the world you at?
8. what do you look for in the mate who would be most compatible for you? (you'll notice i didn't say perfect mate, cuz there is no such thing as perfection, only perfection in imperfections).
9. do you enjoy giving oral sex?
10. if so, why?
11. if not, why?
12. how old were you when you lost your virginity?
13. was it a good experience for you?
14. what motivates you to wake up each morning?
15. what do you see yourself doing in five years?
16. what is your 'big plan' for 2006?
17. what do you love most about being single/involved/married?
18. how often do you have sex in a week?
19. do you masturbate?
20. what are your favorite television shows?
21. who are your favorite actors/actresses?
22. what are you listening to on your ipod/cd player right now?
23. give me three adjectives that best describe you.
24. what is your zodiac sign?
25. what do you love most about blogging?
now, the answers:
chezniki is living the life i wanna live when i grow up:
1. are you content with your life?
2. if not, what would make you content?
Successful Career(s), Natural Twins, Good Husband, Own My Home, for my life to mean something
3. if so, what makes you content with it?
4. what do you like most about yourself?
My resourcefulness (hustle), My voice(s), My fearlessness (sometimes), My hair
5. what do you wish you could change about yourself?
My belly
6. what irritates you most about other people?
People who are Judgmental, Mean Spirited, and Purposefully Ignorant
7. what state do you live in? if not in the u.s., where in the world you at?
Currently trapped in Massachusetts (born in NYC)
8. what do you look for in the mate who would be most compatible for you? (you'll notice i didn't say perfect mate, cuz there is no such thing as perfection, only perfection in imperfections)
VERSATILITY! Intelligence, Resourcefulness, Skilled, Large, Lots of Integrity, Lots of Hair
9. do you enjoy giving oral sex?
F*ck No!
10. if so, why? N/A
11. if not, why?
MFers take it for granted (Im boycotting till at least March 30th)
12. how old were you when you lost your virginity?
Which Time?
13. was it a good experience for you?
Again...Which Time?
14. what motivates you to wake up each morning?
Next door neighbor's loud a$$ alarm clock
15. what do you see yourself doing in five years?
Stop taking the Bar and start living my life.
16. what is your 'big plan' for 2006?
Lose Weight, Pass the Bar, Have Lots of Orgasms
17. what do you love most about being single/involved/married?
Single-The bathroom is ALWAYS free
18. how often do you have sex in a week?
Is that a trick question? I live in Boston, I dont have sex anymore.
19. do you masturbate?
Whenever I have to.
20. what are your favorite television shows?
Law and there really any other show?
21. who are your favorite actors/actresses?
Angela Bassett/Danny Glover
22. what are you listening to on your ipod/cd player right now?
The Game's CD (dont ask, dont tell)
23. give me three adjectives that best describe you.
Phat Lady Sings
24. what is your zodiac sign?
25. what do you love most about blogging?
Positive Attention, Immediate Publishing, Meeting New People
rell ain't gettin none, so sistas out there, help a brotha out!:
1. Pretty Much
2. A Significant Other
3. I have everything that I need and want but the aforementioned significant other
4. The fact that i'm one of the nicest people I know
5. I wish I was taller!
6. People who complain about petty things when really someone always has it worse
7. North Carolina!
8. Someone who was raised in a similar manner, enjoys sports and is intelligent
9. silence is consent i suppose
12. 19
13. nope
14. that's a great question -- i'll have to think about that one
15. working at a collegiate Division 1 school in the athletic dept.
16. start my thesis
17. Single, I can do what I want, when I want and not have to answer to anyone.
18. ummm NEVER
19. I'm a 23-year-old man...
20. Lost, 24, South Park, Family Guy, The Boondocks, Sportscenter, PTI, Around the Horn, Everybody Hates Chris, Prison Break
21. none really in particular, i'm more of a producer/writer/director fan
22. Common, Kirk Franklin and Kanye (lol)
23. Intelligent, Caring and Compassionate
24. My b-day is June 21st so it's either Cancer or Leo (not sure which one)
25. The fact that I can keep writing, what is essentially a daily magazine. I really don't do it for therapy per se like some, I do it cause I like to give people interesting things to think about and keep them informed about things going on in our world. It's like my own little company.
bajanqueen is always the positive sista:
1. Even though shit ain't right...I'm very content right now!
2. Financial one of many that would make me very content.
3. My Family....
4. Everything!! ok, ok, my sense of humor.
5. Nothing....
6. When they pretend to be something they are not!
7. NYC...
8. I want commitment, honesty, these are just to name a few...
9. Yes
10. Cause I'm good at it!!! ~lol~
11. I love it!!
12. 16
13. Hell NO!!!
14. Damn this one is hard!! I guess my won't let me give up!
15. Owning my own home, happily married, and doing what I love best!!
16. Staying true to myself!
17. Right now I'm single....what I like best about it is the quiet time...I'm more in touch with who I am! Or rather I'm learing more about me!
18. Hello.....I just said I'm single...I don't get none!!
19. This is the only some I get!! Yes I do.
20. Grey's Anatomy, Cheers, Good Times, The name a few!
21. Patrick Dempsey (he stars in Grey's Anatomy)
22. Dru Hill Hits
23. Tenacious, Loving, and Nurturing.
24. Taurus
25. Freedom of expression....
verseone thinks he's cute, but he's really not...(no, he really is...):
1. No.
2. Because, contentment breeds stagnation.
3. N/A
4. my cuteness. (Nikki)
5. the number of zeroes that show up at the end of my paycheck.
6. Ignorance of the African-american condition, and people non-chalance about its effects.
7. GA.
8. cuteness, social consciousness, and knowing my favorite artist.
9. uh... yeah it's against the law not to. *Nikki u know about the laws, right?
10. cause of the law of "reciprication". practice it!
11. some people never heard of the law of "reciprication".
12. 14
13. Nope, her little brother and sister were bangin on the door the whole time. Talkin' about "we hungry, it's lunchtime".
14. The ability to be able to wake up.
15. Breathing.
16. None.
17. that's a long answer.
18. more than once.
19. depends on Question #18.
20. Bernie Mac, Everybody hates Chris, Seinfeld
21. Mos Def, Sanaa Lathan,
22. Mos,Tupac, LittleBrother, Amel,Talib, and Jean Grae.
23. what's an adjective?
24. Gemini.
25. the word "blogging". It's just a great word to say. And 5 years ago it wasn't even a word. Isn't that cool!?
olawunmi...all i gotta say is you betta be glad you ain't on this continent...:
1. not at the moment, i'm so far from where i would like to be...
2.true financial independence, this graduate shool thing is killing me.
3. counting my blessings makes me realise how goodGod has been to me.
4. my heart.
5. this incredible impatience. i would love to be more patient, starting right now!
6. stupidity
7. i live in manchester, in england (the united kingdom)
8. honesty, commitment, intelligence, kindness, compassion, ambition and a healthy dose of common-sense to name a few basic qualities
9. hell yeah!
10. i have mad skills and its a real trip to watch a woman lose control.
11. please... if you can't reciprocate, your ass i will defenestrate.
12. 17
13. nope. it was awkward as hell
14. the fear of becoming poor if i don't work hard.
15. running my own empire
16. finish this phd
17. single. not having to answer to anyone.
18. depends
19. no need to
20. topgear, 24, er.
21. anthony hopkins, jamie foxx, nia long
22. james blunt - back to bedlam
23. fun, deep, contradictory
24. cancer
25. the fact that it gives me a ready-made forum to say anything and everything i want without having to look for an interested audience.
bkbabe is gonna be my road dawg when i get to new york this summer:
1. for the most part... yup.
2. traveling....
3. a peace of mind, sitting still at the moment, enjoying me.
4. my resiliance
5. my stuck moments, need to fast fwd them "faster"
6. no motivation, no go out and get it, or get over it...
7. nyc-atl
8. a sense a humor and a brain, ooh don't get me wet!
9.Yup. Sure do.
10. Its all about the guy, and me being into that guy, that moment.
11. next question
12. legal
13. nope.
14. Ummm a heartbeat? And a good book to read on train ride...
15. kids, 2nd book, half the globe scaved, next half on the way, settled in loving relationship, and working on PHD... and business.
16. same plan as 2005, 4, 3, 2,etc
never stop growing and trying...
17. on the semi tip, its exciting starting something new, and nerve wrecking too... anxiety, anxiety.
18. pleading fifth.
19. not at the moment.
20. not a big tv watcher...
22. a mix cd i made
23. funny, determined, charismatic
24. december baby
25. expressing myself thru words...
bullfrog waited until marriage to have sex. i ain't mad at you, brotha:
1. are you content with your life?
3. if so, what makes you content with it?
my relationship with God; knowing He is ultimately in control keeps me grounded when circumstances get rough
4. what do you like most about yourself?
my sense of humor
5. what do you wish you could change about yourself?
negative self image
6. what irritates you most about other people?
few people REALLY listen
7. what state do you live in? if not in the u.s., where in the world you at?
8. what do you look for in the mate who would be most compatible for you? (you'll notice i didn't say perfect mate, cuz there is no such thing as perfection, only perfection in imperfections).
strong where I am weak: considerate, sensitive, gentle
skipped a few, too personal...
12. how old were you when you lost your virginity?
13. was it a good experience for you?
the first time was more awkward, just glad to get it over with
14. what motivates you to wake up each morning?
my family, great job
15. what do you see yourself doing in five years?
same line of work, but more of a supervisory role, more kids, hopefully I'll be a much better husband
16. what is your 'big plan' for 2006?
my wife is having our 2nd child in May, so raising 2 babies (our first is almost a year old) should keep us busy, and getting our house in order.
17. what do you love most about being single/involved/married?
being married to the right person makes me better and it is a constant learning experience
18. how often do you have sex in a week?
3-4 times on average
20. what are your favorite television shows?
i am hooked on reality TV, you name the show
21. who are your favorite actors/actresses?
always been a big fan of Deniro and I don't have a favorite actress, I think alot of them are getting by on their looks right now
22. what are you listening to on your ipod/cd player right now?
Cameo, Bilal, Angie Stone
23. give me three adjectives that best describe you.
cerebral, methodical, goofy
24. what is your zodiac sign?
25. what do you love most about blogging?
It's hard to have conversation about real issues with friends without scaring them (you've read my BLOG entry, "What the BLOG?"
aquababie is my sista in locs:
1. i'm working on the parts that aren't working.
2. more peace of mind
3. my family, friends & my sweetie
4. my self-determination, intelligence & boobs

5. i could stand to lose 15 pounds
6. people who take me for granted
7. mississippi
8. someone who listens(when i choose to talk), honesty, intelligence, sense of humor, consciousness and accepts me for the person i am and the person i'm building myself to be
9. hell yes!
10. i love watching a man's reaction as i pleasure him. it's a big turn-on.
11. n/a
12. 19
13. yes
14. knowing i have an obligation to myself to go out in the world and make it
15. possibly back in school working on my Ph.D.; maybe married and a baby
16. get my shit together mentally and physically
17. having someone i can rely on when i can't rely on myself...someone who can be strong for me when i can't be
18. 1-5 times a week...depends how i feel
19. hell yes!
20. the wire, gray's anatomy, anything on history channel, tlc, discovery or a&e
21. samuel l. jackson, don cheadle. no favorite actress at the moment
22. erkyah badu mp3 my sweetie made for me; common; earth, wind & fire; john coltrane; theolonious monk
23. introspective, funny, caring
24. aquarius
25. it helps me get things out of my cluttered mind. i write much better than i can vocalize sometimes. it's good therapy.
truthz always tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:
1. most of the time
2. to have the american dream, rich husband who loved and respected the mess outta me and my babies and security
3. i am at a point in my life where it doesn't really matter what others think
4. the fact that i don't stay down for good
5. i have a hard time forgiving peeps esp myself
6. fakeness and liars..
7. chi-town will always be my home even if i ain't there right now
8. now i look at his left hand ring finger
9. can't give up everything
12. 181/2 lol..i was in college
13. no
14. the fact that if i didn't my kids would sit on my head or burn down the house
15. publishing books
16. to take better care of me and my feelings
17. when i figure this out, i willlet you know
18. 0
19. not n e more...poor bubba
20. 24 top model
21. i loved me some ossie davis and james earl jones and wow too many to name
22. your smile
23. honest, sensitive, master of masks
24. ?
25. the love i receive from the other bloggers time, put up your site info so i can link you!:
2.content kid sense of humor height
8.intelligence,sense of humor, compassion,dignity,spirituality, high sex drive.
9. hell yes and twice on Sundays
10. I love to know that my boo is being pleasured and i'm the cause of it.
11.see above
13.yep all two minutes of it. kid. gotta see her face every morning.
15.expanding my small businesses.
16.the idea that my other is giving back as well as accepting my love. live to see 2007. Sound simple but honestly it's not.
18.3-5 times
19.yep. I hit so many licks i went to pee and it started duckin'
20.the sheild, the boondocks, dave chapelle, and law and order.and Family guy
21. actor Samuel Jackson actress Halle Barry
22.Parliement P-Funk(I want's to get funked up)
23.choclate coated, freaky and habit forming
25.expressing and veiwing opinions from individual from all perspective and political spectrums.