i'm not a morning person. in fact, if i had a choice, i'd stay in bed until noon. unfortunately, i'd be unemployed cuz my job requires i get there by 7:30 a.m. so i drag myself out of bed when it's still dark, trying to convince myself that waking up so early in the friggin morning is a good thing. sometimes i succeed in the delusion, other times i fail. regardless, i'm waking up anyway. why? because ultimately, the beauty isn't found in the sunrise, it's found in the blessing of being able to wake up at all.
by the time i take a shower, dress, and am in my car headed to work, the sun is peeking over the horizon like an actress peeping through a break in the curtains to see how many folk have arrived to witness her performance. the sun blinds me at times on my ride into work, her shine signifying the beginning of a brand new days with brand new possibilities. i'm always trying to capture that shine on camera, eager to hold it somewhere like a fragile flame that could disappear into darkness with the first kiss of the wind. there are times when i pull over just to look at it. it's like staring at a rose and bearing witness to its journey from bud to full bloom. i don't do that often though, as i tend to leave my home minutes before i'm scheduled to be at work.
so i end up racing to the work and catching the sunrise from my office window.

i stood by in the shadows, snapping photos with the hope of capturing some of her grace so that her radiance could be reflected in my moves. however, i am not really ensnaring any part of her really...i'm only holding onto the moment before it slips from my fingers to gather itself into the spirit of another soul who needs its presence.
but i have her shine for that moment. i savor it for the gift it is.