there was no light
yet she saw sin.
peddling her tainted vessel for pennies, she fucked for her freedom, eager to seek a way out of the bleak tick tock of bought time others sought between her bowed knees. years spread her thighs wide, the hours raping her with minute strokes while passing her around for sloppy seconds. endless encounters of jism spent upon her pubic hairs laid her legs like bricks cemented to relenting, yet she still ain't make enough to pay the rent.
it was at this time her voice came heaven-sent.
"You're making me blue
All that you do
Seems unfair
You try not to hear
Turn a deaf ear
To my prayer
It seems you dont want to see
What you are doing to me
My arms are waiting to caress you
And to my heart they long to press you, sweet heart
My heart is sad and lonely
For you I cry
For you, dear, only
I tell you I mean it
I'm all for you
Body and soul..."

her internal inferno seared holes into her vocal cords from where her voice curled and unfurled in cindered chords from tinder lips, the lyrics singed into embers of fervent yearning.
"...I spend my days in longing
And wondering it's me you're wronging
Why haven't you seen it
I'm all for you
Body and soul..."
the cooling hues of the blues were meant to soothe her but instead they were transformed into an indigo explosion infused with her flame, her voice becoming a diamond pressed into existence with the persistent squeezing of daily strain. it conducted her heat, manipulating sound as it fractured the blues into a melange of emotions, reflecting ever-changing inflections of sensuality and suffering. at times it caressed the chords like a tender lover's labia lapping, seducing sound to flow in orgasmic release down the open mouth of a tongue-thrusting trumpet. other times it struck a chord hard like a raging pimp's slapping, smashing through the piano's ivory teeth, leaving the song to continue on with a black and bruised b-flat. during times when lady sang the booze, her voice's shine was steeped in wine. it reeked of wrecked refrains, stumbling drunkenly over phrases before falling in an unconscious heap upon the saxaphone, snapping its neck as it gasped out the final note.
"...Life's dreary for me
Day's seem to be long as years
I've looked for the sun
But can see none
Through my tears
Your heart must be like a stone
To leave me like this alone
When you could make my life worth living
By taking what I'm set on giving, sweet heart..."

"...My heart is sad and lonely
For you I cry
For you, dear, only
I tell you I mean it
I'm all for you
Body and soul"
no longer burning
she was burnt out
her inner light
had been snuffed out
with a yearn that went
a lifetime unfulfilled
she sold her body...
then her voice...
very cheaply, both by choice...
and got nothing other than a
bitter pill
i hope this won't be me...
she was burnt out
her inner light
had been snuffed out
with a yearn that went
a lifetime unfulfilled
she sold her body...
then her voice...
very cheaply, both by choice...
and got nothing other than a
bitter pill
i hope this won't be me...