it's monday.
it's rainy.
it's dark and grey.
its cloudy.
its thunder.
it's lightning.
its loud.
its scary.
its slippery.
it's wet.
it's humid.
it's hot.
it's high-volume traffic.
it's absent electricity.
it's frustrated folk.
it's perfect.
my commute took an extra ten minutes.
my clothes got soaked because i left my umbrella at home.
my body is uncomfortable and clammy.
my hair is frizzy.
my glasses are foggy.
my view out of my office window is blurry.
my work from last week is piled upon my desk this week.
my office is full of old and new projects.
my time today will be filled with tasks both difficult and tedious.
my boss is in a bad mood.
it's perfect.
cuz i still breathe
cuz i still live
cuz i still love
cuz i still give
cuz i still meet
cuz i still seek
cuz i still grow
cuz i still know
no matter what goes
it's perfect.